Sunday 9 October 2011

Guten Morgen! > Good morning.
Guten Tag! > Hello or Good day(Austria).
Grüß Gott! > Hello or Good day (Austria).
Guten Abend > Good evening
Hallo > Hello

TIPS ON GREETINGS. The most general form of greeting in German-speaking countries is 'GUTEN TAG' or the more informal 'HALLO' ; in the morning you could say 'GUTEN MORGEN', in the afternoon 'GUTEN TAG' (not 'Guten Nachmittag) and in the evening ' GUTEN ABEND'. In Southern Germany 'MOIN, MOIN!', both which just mean 'Hello!' If you know someone well, you could say 'Grüß dich' and then 'wie geht's', meaning 'How are things? or 'How are you doing?; more formally, you would use 'Wie geht es Ihnen/dir?', meaning 'How are you?' in reply you could say 'Danke, gu
t. Und ihnen/dir?' = 'fine, thanks. And you?.
The Swiss greet each othe with 'GRÜEZI', or more informally 'HOI' or 'SALI'. In Austria(Österreich), they say 'SERVUS' or more rarely 'HABE DIE EHRE'
von, Uc Henry Igbokwe
Mit <3 .